Register and benefit from many advantages:
- Always up-to-date price and stock information
- Convenient ordering
- Comprehensive product information, data sheets and brochures
No matter whether you need technical information, check prices and availability or want to place an order, the Böllhoff eShop is available around the clock, 365 days a year. Your orders are processed highly automated and shipped quickly, so that you receive your goods within the shortest possible time. Our online shop also contains product data sheets, current catalogues and CAD data from our DIN and standard parts range as well as from our HELICOIL®, RIVKLE® and RIVQUICK® brands.
Further convenient functions:
Innovative, fast and ergonomic battery-powered tool
To guarantee optimum setting process, the new RIVKLE® NEO B107 battery-powered tool feature electro-hydraulic technology that combines performance and reliability. More compact and easier to handle, it has also been designed and validated for mass production use.